Dr. Ann Marie Mulready The Connecticut State Board of Education convened a special meeting to approve plans for the four turnaround schools in the Commissioner’s Network—Curiale School in Bridgeport, the Academy at Milner School in Hartford, High School in the…
Effects Of Three Vocabulary Strategies On Kindergarten Tier 2 Word Recognition
Lisa Mello Handfield Andover Elementary School, Andover, CT Abstract This action research project sought to determine the effects of three vocabulary strategies on Kindergarten Tier 2 word recognition. In a sample of convenience, 16 Kindergartners were pre-tested on their expressive…
From Past Influences to Present Implementation to Future Implications: How SRBI Promises to Change the Way We Help Struggling Students
Principal Investigators: Dr. Diana Sisson and Dr. Betsy Sisson Connecticut Association for Reading Research Introduction Connecticut’s Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI) stems from the national model of Response to Intervention (RtI) which is the culmination of over three decades of federal…
Reading Intervention Strategies – Primary and Beyond
Theresa Jacksis & Lisa Yacoviello University of Bridgeport School of Education and Human Resources Abstract This article describes reading intervention strategies at the primary and secondary levels. The primary level focuses on the effectiveness of small group literacy instruction and…
Improving Reading Comprehension Across the Content Areas: A Language Arts and Social Studies Partnership
Christine Ceraso Parisi, Reading Consultant, Thomas Edison Middle School Abstract The purpose of this action research study was to answer specific questions about student achievement in the area of reading comprehension and writing. The focus question of the study was,…